ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Download. The app pulls data from multiple streams, generating valuable information that powers Business Intelligence dashboards and provides you with up-to-date data from a variety of sources.
The app uses Built-In Extractor and Transformation modules to customise where you send your data and how you store it, further enabling automation and machine learning. You can also utilise preloaded images to quickly build neural networks, or even completely automate your campaigns with just a few clicks.


ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Download. The app pulls data from multiple streams, generating valuable information that powers Business Intelligence dashboards and provides you with up-to-date data from a variety of sources.
The app uses Built-In Extractor and Transformation modules to customize where you send your data and how you store it, further enabling automation and machine learning. You can also utilize preloaded images to quickly build neural networks, or even completely automate your campaigns with just a few clicks.